Posted by: Nici | 23 March, 2008

It snowed!

FINALLY the snow arrived in my neck of the woods! This is the first snow we have had this winter so as you can imagine we all got quite excited!

The photos were taken in my garden this morning. : )




  1. How gorgeous! We’ve had snow too over the last few days, but none of it has really lain for longer than a few hours. It was almost white-out conditions earlier on for a while, but it quickly subsided. What I find funny is that this is supposed to be the start of Spring – and we had no snow in the Winter!

  2. We’ve had the odd flake fall here and there (and I mean the odd flake, certainly nothing to get excited about) but after glancing out the window just now I’ve noticed that it’s actually snowing at the moment…although there’s also bright sunshine. Weird!

  3. I’ve been told by friends that it’s a full-on Winter Wonderland in Finland. Just my luck! *pouts* Although, I shouldn’t really complain, now should I? *grin*

    Anyways, you’re garden looks just lovely!!


    p.s. BF sends a “hi”, and a “if you think I’m going to marry this crazy bundle of curls you’re out of your mind!” (will post on my blog later and explain, now I need to go get ready for the evening, apparently we “have plans”…

  4. Hee hee, say hi back from me! Hope you are having a great time! xx

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